The profession of orthoptist

Orthoptists deal with ophthalmology and are involved in prevention, diagnostics and the treatment of visual disorders. This profession is learned in an apprenticeship. Completed orthoptists then usually work in university clinics, in ophthalmological practices and in the ophthalmological departments of hospitals. Visual problems are diagnosed and appropriate measures are taken, patients are examined, counseled and informed about various treatment methods. Orthoptists thus support ophthalmologists and not only work closely with patients, but also with doctors. Orthoptists also assist with operations and look after patients before or during such an operation. This job is a very varied activity, as many different tasks related to the eye are taken on.

Personal requirements at work

Orthoptists have to meet certain personal requirements in order to be able to work successfully in this profession. This includes dealing well with people, since patients have to be advised and this sometimes requires a little more patience - depending on the type and severity of the patient's illness. Good observation is also an advantage and there should be some dexterity in the hands. Even more important, however, is an interest in visual disorders and their treatment options and a certain interest in abstract and very theoretical tasks. It must be possible to understand complex relationships well in this profession. In addition, the course of treatment must be documented and it is therefore important that administrative activities are not avoided either. The most important personal requirements for the job as an orthoptist are therefore the ability to think logically, a great interest in visual defects and treatment methods and very good dealings with patients, who can also be difficult at times.

Prerequisites for the job / training / studies

A middle school education is important for prospective orthoptists. If you have a lower secondary school qualification, you can only be admitted if you have successfully completed vocational training that lasted at least two years. However, there are also health requirements, since the health suitability must be proven by a doctor's certificate. In many cases, an ophthalmological certificate is also required. In some cases, first-aid training must have been completed beforehand. In terms of school subjects, there are also important subjects that can decide on admission to orthoptist training. The natural sciences are of great importance. Mathematics in particular is important due to the required arithmetic skills and poor performance in these subjects is therefore not a good prerequisite for the job. Physics is also very important because it is mainly about optics and this is brought closer to physics lessons. Good performance in biology is also an advantage.

The training / the qualification

Orthoptist training lasts three years . A shortening is only possible on application with appropriate previous training. The lessons are divided into a theoretical and a practical part, and the content taught is then deepened and applied in the eye clinic. In the vocational school, a very extensive knowledge about optics and the various diseases of the eyes is imparted. In addition to the many possible treatment measures for vision disorders at any age, the entire structure of the eye also plays a role. In addition, the training imparts the knowledge of how the various devices are used and, in practical application, the treatment of the patients is also imparted. It is a demanding course with numerous contents from the different natural sciences, with physics being of great importance.


Orthoptists are employed in various places, but above all in hospitals with an ophthalmological department, in ophthalmological practices and in university clinics, which then maintain specific departments for pleoptics and orthopotics. There are also facilities for blind or visually impaired people, for example in rehabilitation clinics.

career development opportunities

In addition to the need to stay up to date in this profession and to acquire the latest information, it is also possible to advance or to specialize further. A specialization in certain areas can take place after the training, for example in rehabilitation or in other areas. Advanced training is a very good opportunity to develop in this profession. Among other things, further training as a specialist in social and health care can be completed. In order to get to the management level, further training as a business economist for management in the healthcare sector is possible. In addition, a suitable course of study can be completed with a university entrance qualification.

The everyday life of the orthoptist

In the everyday life of orthoptists, there is close cooperation with ophthalmologists and patients. Working with patients is therefore an important part of this profession. The main component, however, is working with diagnoses and the correction of visual defects. Vision aids are adjusted, the fundus is examined and the entire treatment should be properly documented. In any case, working with the patients is also a priority, and then visual aids are adjusted and various calculations are made.

Viet Trinh

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