As a specialist for nursing assistance, you will mainly be employed in the area of nursing work for sick, disabled or senior citizens. The tasks are generally the domestic and social care of the individual persons. This also includes basic nursing care such as eating enough, daily personal hygiene and dressing and undressing. You have to be able to relate to the people in need of care and be able to understand and respect their situation . Dealing with each individual person correctly is an important prerequisite for this job.
Prerequisites for the job / training / studies
In order to have fun at work, it is necessary to enjoy helping people and wanting to ensure that they are cared for. In addition to the social attitude, patience is also an important characteristic of employees. You can learn the profession of specialist – nursing assistant with a secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent school education.
Depending on performance and previous education, the training lasts two to three years. Since the employees are in the healthcare sector, a doctor's certificate or a certificate from the health department must be submitted. After completing the training, different job titles can be used. Such as state-certified nursing assistant, state-certified specialist for housekeeping and outpatient care or state-certified specialist for housekeeping and family care. In job advertisements you will usually find the designation nursing assistant.
The Qualification
Training includes both school and company training. After the actual basic training, you can decide on certain areas of responsibility and strive for further specialization. But you can also aim for a degree to become a business administrator after completing the training. A business start-up for self-employed social care of the people can also be carried out.
You can work as a specialist – nursing assistant in hospitals, nursing homes or outpatient care facilities. Many professionals also use outpatient service providers and nursing services as potential employers. No matter what path you take, working with people is an important part of our society.
career development opportunities
The profession will be needed more and more in the future, as the number of people in need of care will increase. These include immigrants and local people. Medicine is constantly making progress and can ensure good care into old age. People will get older and be more dependent on external support and care. In the growing society, family ties are becoming less and less important and parents have to manage on their own in old age. There is usually no hope for help and care from the children. Many have already started their own families and have to support them. The double burdens are usually not sustainable in the long term and are handed over to a suitable nursing service.
The everyday life of the specialist – nursing assistant
A typical daily routine of a professional nursing assistant generally provides for the care of those in need. It's about preparing and serving food. A task can also be the cooking of food. The day usually begins with preparing breakfast and then washing and helping with personal hygiene. People with wounds receive additional care and treatment. During the day, they take care of their well-being and look after those who need help with their activities. Lunch and dinner are further tasks of a normal everyday life of a professional - nursing assistant. In some areas, medication is also administered and the composition of the daily ration is prepared. Depending on the person to be cared for, the days can also be different and more demanding.