Surgical technician


General information about this apprenticeship:

In this apprenticeship, you have the task of preparing the respective patient before an operation . This profession is mainly practiced in a hospital, in a specialist practice or in an outpatient surgery center. You take care of the patients, you cover them with sterile towels and you bring the patients into the operating room. You are also responsible for providing the necessary instruments, such as tweezers, needle holders, scalpels, clamps or retractors. During the operation, you assist the doctor or provide him with the instruments. The apparatuses are also operated by the surgical technicians.

Which requirements play an important role for this job?

For this training, a high school diploma is required as well as proof of health suitability. Reliability, accuracy, the ability to work in a team and logical thinking also play a major role in this job.

Important information on the training content and everyday life:

Work conscientiously!

The training lasts three years and general tasks of a surgical technician are the preparatory measures, which are of great importance for an operation. Furthermore, the monitoring measures and also the aftercare measures. Many patients experience anxiety before their surgery, so it is important to be able to take care of them both physically and psychologically . Since each operation requires appropriate measures in advance, some work processes must be coordinated and organized independently. For example, this involves the preparation of necessary equipment, materials and instruments. Sterilization measures and disinfection measures are very important. After an operation, there are tasks such as documenting, archiving and forwarding the data to the respective ward. Ordering materials is also part of the job. In the theoretical part of this training, content such as surgery, anatomy, anesthesia, hygiene, nursing and physiology are taught. The practical part includes the following content: orthopaedics, urology, gynaecology, accident surgery and general surgery

The locations of this training occupation in detail

The locations of this profession are mostly limited to neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, ENT surgery, vascular surgery and cardiac surgery. It can also be used in specialist practices where operations are carried out.

The content

The starting salary after training is 1500 - 2100 euros gross .

(Image source: Federal Employment Agency)

Viet Trinh

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