First of all, it should be noted that children with type 1 diabetes are considered children with disabilities. It can therefore happen that these children do not get a place in the regular kindergarten. For many parents, the question then naturally arises; what to do with my child if I want or have to go back to work? In many kindergartens there are places that have to be made available for children with disabilities, another alternative is the integrative kindergarten and otherwise there is still the kindergarten for disabled children . Of course, many parents are on strike here, on the one hand they don't want to be seen as discriminatory and on the other hand they don't want a child who suffers from diabetes to grow up with children who have a much greater disability. The legislature also has a duty here, but the law alone that says that every child of a certain age is entitled to a place in kindergarten is not enough.
First of all, an open discussion is the order of the day, perhaps the kindergarten and its sponsors are not opposed to admitting a diabetic child at all . There are case studies and laudable examples from other kindergartens that, with a little effort and understanding, have managed to successfully integrate a child suffering from type 1 diabetes into the group. On the one hand, it depends on how well the child can deal with the disease itself, how well the parents manage it, whether the child has an insulin pump or whether it has to be injected manually. It is also important to involve the other children and to teach them how to deal with the disease in a playful way. Children learn quickly and usually have a great deal of understanding that you have to be considerate if they are not excluded. They then learn early on to take responsibility, which is a valuable help later in life. Parents and educators can find out on the Internet to what extent it is possible to integrate a child with diabetes into a normal kindergarten. This is particularly important because these children are usually taught later in a regular school. In most cases it is also the case that the parents, children and even the educators are supported by the doctors, the children quickly learn to live with the disease themselves and want to have as much freedom as possible. They gain the freedom to learn early on how to measure and interpret the values and carry out the necessary actions themselves . So it can be that 5-year-olds can deal with diabetes quite well.
What do parents and educators have to consider in connection with diabetic children?