First, it should be clarified what coconut oil or coconut oil is. It is obtained from the dried flesh of the coconut. Already thousands of years ago it was an integral part of the native people in the tropical regions. It is also used in Indian Ayurveda, where it is not used as a food but as a remedy. As early as the 1980s, science established that all those who ingest a lot of coconut oil with their food appear healthy.
Is Coconut Oil Actually Healthy?

Coconut oil consists of around 90% saturated fatty acids and the largest proportion, around 65%, is the so-called MCT fats. Most of the positive effects on our health are attributed to these MCT fats. But some cardiologists get a heart attack when they hear that more and more people are enjoying coconut oil, which is often blamed for its high saturated fat content. In short, the myth that saturated fat is bad for your heart cannot be busted. But thank God, many know better! More and more studies are showing how healthy coconut oil actually is, and the focus is again on the MCT fats, which occur in the oil in the form of lauric acid.
Some arguments in favor of coconut oil:
- It increases physical health
- A good source of energy on an anabolic or ketogenic diet. As it promotes the formation of ketone bodies and does it much better than other fats.
- MCT fatty acids are an effective natural remedy
But coconut oil is not only helpful from the inside, but also from the outside. Studies have shown that it can also be used against dry skin and even to improve hair.
Coconut oil can be used in many ways
More and more households rely on high-quality coconut oil, not only to refine the dishes when cooking and baking, but also in other areas. Coconut oil is also used in medicine cabinets or in body care.
Some examples of using coconut oil:
- Coconut oil is also very suitable as a hair conditioner. Simply massage the oil into the hair and scalp and leave it on for a while. Then wash your hair as usual. This eliminates the need for the usual conditioners, because the coconut oil makes the hair soft and shiny.
- Coconut oil is even very suitable for pets. If you rub your dog with the oil every morning, you protect it from small insects. The greasy film that shimmers on the fur at the beginning disappears after a short time. Furthermore, the fur of the four-legged friend becomes healthy and shiny and even existing skin problems disappear.
A notice:
But not all coconut oil is healthy. Conventionally processed coconut oil is even harmful because it is made from dried powder that is hardened. A real alternative is coconut oil, which is referred to as "native" for the omega-6-rich oils. However, the coconut oil should not be heated too much, as it quickly becomes bitter and is therefore more suitable for cold dishes.