A pronounced dryness in the mouth is an unpleasant feeling and can also be a sign of a wide variety of clinical pictures. However, there are several ways to combat this dry mouth and get back to having a healthy mouth and, in turn, healthy teeth. First of all, however, it is important to know what happens when you have a dry mouth. If there is not enough saliva in the mouth, harmful germs multiply because the saliva ensures that the acids in the mouth no longer have much of a chance. Dry mouth can have psychological causes and therefore occurs, for example, when you are very nervous, but it can also be caused by various diseases.
Dehydration is also a cause of dry mouth. If you drink too little, then less saliva is produced and the unpleasantly dry mouth occurs. The phenomenon occurs even more frequently, especially with heavy sweating or very high outside temperatures, and in older people a dry mouth causes problems when chewing and swallowing. In addition, it should not be forgotten that a persistently dry mouth cannot be healthy, since then too many germs form in the mouth, which can cause other diseases - not to mention the constant discomfort.
In some cases it is also possible that dry mouth is a sign of another illness and this dryness is then one of the first signs. Dry mouth often occurs in connection with other symptoms, and it is precisely then that a doctor should be consulted. Dry mouth is a common symptom of dental disease and mouth sores, including stomatitis. Overall, various diseases of the glands in the mouth and head area can be responsible for the dry mouth, in addition to dental diseases, swelling and tumors are also possible reasons. But there are many other conditions such as diabetes, nerve damage or serious infections that could cause dry mouth. So unless the dryness is due to nervousness or as a result of medication, it should always be monitored. Because a healthy mouth also means that sufficient saliva is produced and harmful germs don't even stand a chance.
Dry mouth when nervous and in the morning
Anyone who is nervous or talks a lot, as in a speech, gets a dry mouth. In such a case, a little water often helps, and when this special situation is over, the mouth is no longer so dry. If less saliva is produced than during the night, the mouth becomes dry and in the morning there is an unpleasant sticky feeling in the mouth. This feeling is intensified by snoring or generally by mouth breathing when the air is bad or when you have a cold, and bad breath is also associated with it. Dry mouth is not only unpleasant, but also causes more acid in the mouth and thus bad breath.Dry mouth when dehydrated

Drugs and infections as a cause of dry mouth
However, various medications can also be responsible for dry mouth and the associated increased bacteria in the mouth. Different glands are influenced, which are also responsible for the production of saliva. This can happen, among other things, through hormones. Drugs that commonly cause dry mouth include various eye medications, antidepressants, sleeping pills, and drugs for high blood pressure, bladder weakness, and heart rhythm disorders. Precisely because older people take many of these medications, dry mouth is a bigger problem, especially in old age. Infections such as fever or a gastrointestinal infection also dry out the mouth and drinking a lot is a first measure, but only improving your state of health can really do something about the dryness in the mouth.Dry mouth as a sign of other diseases