problems with dizziness

Many know that, everything turns and the floor starts to move, the sense of balance decreases and in the head it feels as if bumblebees are moving about in it. Feelings of dizziness should not be taken lightly and if they keep coming back, it is better to consult a doctor. Vertigo is usually perceived differently by everyone who has it, when the environment starts to move, it is called rotary vertigo. If the floor tends to move back and forth, it is a dizzy spell and if it happens, for example, in an elevator, it is called elevator vertigo. The dizziness often does not announce itself either, but it comes like a seizure or it is the case that it remains permanent, then the person is dizzy and cannot stand upright. Dizziness can occur rarely, but it can also occur frequently and that is a warning sign, because dizziness always has something to do with the human brain.

What are the symptoms?

There are certain diseases that can trigger dizziness, including dementia, migraines and multiple sclerosis. Dizziness is also common with diabetes, but dizziness is not uncommon with eye disease or eye muscle paralysis. However, dizziness can also come from a completely different source, namely when it is caused by stress or when the person suffers from frequent anxiety attacks. Fear of claustrophobia or fear of heights are also known triggers. Finally, the consumption of alcohol or drugs comes into play, which can trigger an acute attack of dizziness. The reason for this lies in the cerebellum, because there is a temporary paralysis in the central balance control. Most patients see a doctor or naturopath because of headaches and dizziness, because often there are also unpleasant side effects that make a doctor's visit necessary. There are usually nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations, and severe feelings of anxiety. If people are affected by several symptoms at the same time, doctors speak of a vertigo syndrome. If dizzy spells occur more frequently, the first point of contact is the central nervous system. The brain has to coordinate a multitude of different stimuli every day, starting with the vestibular system and ending with the eyes. If dizziness sets in, it can come from pills or alcohol abuse, but it can also have its causes in the vestibular system. If this is not the case, there are other possibilities, and an origin in organs or functional areas cannot necessarily be ruled out. If the dizziness comes when you get up in the morning, it can be due to low blood pressure or sensitivity to the weather. It may be that the dizziness is also to blame for a calcification process, epilepsy or a head injury.

dizziness in old age

The older a person gets, the more likely it is that dizzy spells will increase. According to studies, around 40 to 50 percent of people over the age of 75 suffer from extreme attacks of dizziness. Here it is age-related factors that lead to or favor it. Triggers can be the onset of cardiac insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias, or even a circulatory disorder. It is usually the ears and brain that are affected. It is often discussed whether it is not also possible that some diet is to blame for age-related dizziness, doctors are of the opinion that electrolytes in particular can play a role. These are in particular table salt, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphates.

The therapy

If dizziness persists for a long time and recurs frequently, it is imperative to consult a doctor, the family doctor will usually issue a referral for an ear, nose and throat doctor or suggest a neurologist and a cardiologist. If medication is necessary, he will prescribe the right one after a complete medical history. With different types of dizziness, however, positioning exercises also show good results. After consultation, however, alternative methods could also be suggested. Alternative medicine has had good success with chronic dizzy spells, and acupuncture is particularly noteworthy. Yoga, meditation, Bach flowers or progressive muscle relaxation have also provided relief. In the case of stress-related dizziness, it can also be acupressure or autogenic training that gave patients good chances of recovery.

tumor or viral infection

If dizziness comes on suddenly and is associated with massive nausea, it is quite possible that the balance organ has failed, this can be the case with a viral infection or there may be a circulatory disorder. If this is the case, a patient must be admitted to a hospital as soon as possible if they are in a very bad way. If the cause is not found here either, it is time to consult a neurologist. It can then definitely be a tumor, an inflammation in the brain or a brainstem infarction. In about 15 to 20 percent of people who complain about these symptoms, the doctor does not find a physical reason. First and foremost, this is a kind of drowsiness that turns into dizziness and which can also occur in very young people. It's common when that person is in a car or facing large crowds. The first priority here is behavioral therapy or, in severe cases, antidepressants.

Viet Trinh

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