What is flatulence?

Flatulence is actually nothing more than flatulence. But when you suffer from them, it's more than uncomfortable. Because then the pain bothers you, you don't feel well and in most cases your stomach is also swollen. It can even happen that you feel like you are pregnant . [lwptoc] Flatulence is not only perceptible by smell, but you can also see it. The reason is that when it's particularly bad, the gastrointestinal tract becomes so bloated that it's necessary to see a doctor, who will literally save your life by artificially causing the evacuation. Flatulence occurs when the stomach and intestines are busy processing the food they eat, forming gases. Gases such as:
  • carbon monoxide
  • carbon dioxide
  • hydrogen sulfide
  • methane
  • and other fermentation gases.
In order to get rid of the gases, the body uses a very simple means and that is that it releases the gases that have arisen, through the rectum. But if the gases are stuck or they cannot be released easily, this leads to abdominal cramps, abdominal pain and a bloated stomach.

Term bloating/flatulence

Do you or your child often suffer from flatulence? The technical term for this is flatulence. In the case of flatulence, there is increased gas formation in the intestine. There is often an increased bacterial breakdown of fats, roughage and carbohydrates due to intestinal bacteria. It is also possible that your flatulence is due to a completely different underlying disease, such as liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension, which can lead to impaired digestion. A neurotic disorder, often associated with increased unconscious swallowing of air known as aerophagia , can also be the reason for flatulence. If you see a gastroenterologist because of flatulence, they will do a physical exam . He will diagnose the well-known bloated stomach and probably arrange for a stool sample to be examined for hidden blood and possibly also arrange for a gastroscopy or colonoscopy. If polyps, a stomach ulcer, cancer or other organic diseases are suspected, these examinations are important in any case. In the case of flatulence, these measures usually do not help, because there is usually a functional disorder and not a structural disorder.

In the case of flatulence, the following examinations are useful:

  • exploitation
  • Detection of fungi and intestinal flora
  • pancreatic elastase
  • PMN elastase
  • Alpha - antitrypnsin
  • bile acid test.
If there is any suspicion, the following procedures can be used.
  • Examination for gluten/gliadin antibodies
  • Breath test for lactose intolerance
  • Breath test for fructose intolerance
  • allergy testing
There are now a number of laboratories that can carry out such diagnostics. The interpretation of the findings always presupposes clinical symptoms, which is why a therapist experienced in this area should initiate and evaluate these examinations and draw the therapeutic conclusions from them. If the diagnostics mentioned show a clear disorder, the therapeutic consequences follow. Foodstuffs containing lactose must be avoided in the case of proven lactose intolerance . It may also be that digestive enzymes have to be supplied to the body with every meal if the pancreas cannot produce them in sufficient quantities. Bile disorders are also common and can often be treated with a simple artichoke preparation. Flatulence caused by a bile disorder results from insufficient production of bile, which often occurs after gallbladder surgery. Such a disorder is known as postcholecystomy syndrome. If the subtle stool diagnostics do not bring any results, the following treatment suggestions are suitable or if one or the other naturopathic tip would like to be tried out before a not quite cheap, complex diagnostics.

Prevent flatulence

In order to protect yourself from flatulence, you should help your body by following a few " food rules " in everyday life. These are brought to the point with the help of an old proverb: "Eat like a king in the morning, like a king at noon and like a pauper in the evening!" than you can have your breakfast in the morning very sumptuous . The reason is that the intestine can then easily digest the food that has been ingested throughout the day. If you rely on a rich breakfast, you can quickly notice that your digestion thanks you and that has a positive effect on flatulence, because it goes away. Next in the day and the rules of eating. You should always eat less at lunchtime, which means that this meal should be less than breakfast. Who doesn't know that sluggish midday slump when you've stuffed yourself too full. Here the circulation slows down and digestion becomes more sluggish than it was in the morning. This is the point at which the gastrointestinal tract can no longer process the food that has been ingested as quickly. If you have eaten a lot and possibly even fatty foods, maybe eaten very quickly and don't chew well, you risk flatulence. On top of that, you don't move as much during the day as you should. The reason is that many are sedentary and in most cases only get around by train, bus or train instead of walking. A good remedy is to include some exercise in your lunch break, such as a short walk. Because if you move in the fresh air, you not only help digestion, but also prevent flatulence. In addition, it is also particularly helpful to always eat at fixed times and to divide the three usual meals into smaller meals throughout the day. Because this gives the body the chance to process the food better and the gastrointestinal tract does not come to a standstill. Dinner should then be very sparse, that is, you should only eat a small portion , as the intestines rest during the night and this is the time when the dangerous gases then form, which are the reason for the severe flatulence and that cause abdominal pain.

Well chewed is half digested

If possible, meals and bowel movements should take place at the same time of the day so that the digestive function is accustomed to a normal daily rhythm. Any excitement should be avoided while eating, as well as distractions from television or conflict-laden conversations. They can disturb digestion and thus promote flatulence.

Avoiding foods that cause flatulence

High-fiber foods should not be consumed with foods containing sugar, including fruit or fruit juices . This can increase the tendency to bloat. Canned food, ready meals or heavily carbonated mineral water should also be avoided. In this way, flatulence can often be avoided. People who are sensitive should also be careful with legumes.

Viet Trinh

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