Being active is something nice, but you should also be fit for leisure activities and for that the immune system must first be strengthened. Whether you have a runny nose, a cough or aching limbs, everything is annoying and nobody who has these symptoms feels like doing anything. But what can be done about it?
Movement is always good!
If you want to be fit and active, you should get some fresh air several times a week. Here, however, it is not the journey to work that counts, but light training, such as Nordic walking. Exercises in the air should not be overdone, nor should one overload the body. Before starting the activities, it is better for people older than 35 or for those who have not played sports for a long time to have a medical examination. If he then gives his "okay", we can get started.
The diet should also be right
If you want to get through the winter healthy and fit, you also have to pay attention to your diet. Eating a balanced diet is important here, which means that a lot of meat, fish and cheese should be eaten for the body's own defense system. Food contains the trace element zinc and if the body does not have enough of it, it is easier for viruses to trigger a cold. Everyone knows that a lot of vitamin C should be taken, especially in the cold season. This is found in citrus fruits, various types of cabbage and also in peppers. If you then think that you are not sufficiently hardened, you should not shy away from going to the sauna .
What options do you have outside in bad weather?
The best thing to do in bad winter weather was stay warm in the living room. Activities are popular today, first of all to stay healthy and fit, not to let your figure get out of hand and to be ready for the next bikini fitting. Hiking and jogging is actually possible in any weather, unless there is a meter of snow, but then you still have the option of trimming yourself with a broom or snow shovel. The body is not expected to do too much, but it stays in shape and you get enough fresh air. There seems to be no winter for the skaters, you see them whenever the road conditions allow it. In order to avoid hibernation here, people in the cities are thinking about how and where to drive. Sometimes even small events are offered where the skaters meet and ride a distance of 20-30 km together. You don't necessarily have to be a professional to take part, there are also tours for beginners. Cycling is also a pleasure in winter when the roads are clear. Wrapped up warm and cycled slowly, it's fun to enjoy the surroundings with several people. So: all friends drummed together and off we go.
Walking is always good!

Anyone who likes it a little quieter can join the collectors. Even a walk in the fresh air has a lot to offer. Everything that nature has to offer and that pleases is collected. Such finds can be used for handicrafts at home or used for decoration. With a little imagination, you can make very beautiful things with pine cones, stones and leaves. It is best for people who have a four-legged friend at home, because they have to go out in winter and when the weather is bad. With a thick coat and the right shoes, we set off in the direction of the next meadow. It makes sense to take a ball or the Frisbee disc with you. So it is certain that not only humans, but also Wauwi get enough fresh air and exercise. The car stays in the garage, in winter you should walk as much as possible. This strengthens the immune system and the body thanks you anyway. It would be a good thing if there was a swimming pool nearby, because swimming keeps you fit in winter. It not only strengthens the arm and leg muscles, but also has a positive effect on the human psyche . A trip to an ice rink is also an experience for the whole family. It would be even better if there is a frozen lake or pond nearby where skating is allowed. But of course the hall does too. This not only strengthens the sense of balance, but also the coordination of movement. Ice skating also improves posture and strengthens your leg and abdominal muscles. The majority of Germans abstain from any outdoor activity in winter. Fitness in winter is not exactly popular, at the latest when cyclists' fingers turn blue and joggers' lungs burn, it's all fun. But even with ice and snow, nobody has to stay in the warm room.
Take important precautions

Especially those who want to do sports in the fresh air in winter should try to wear clothes that are appropriate for this. It is best to use functional clothing, which is breathable and you do not swim in your own sweat. Warming up is not only important in summer, but in every season. Under no circumstances should it be dispensed with. It is also important that a hat or headband is worn, because most body heat is lost through the head. When it comes to gloves and socks, it's now twice as good. Wearing them one on top of the other creates an air pocket and that's good against the cold. Finally, another important point, even in winter, when exercising outdoors, you should always make sure that you drink enough liquid. This is just as important now as it was in the summer. So you see, bad weather is no excuse to be active. There are many ways to be active in the fresh air, even when the outside temperatures are cold and lousy, and your body will thank you for it. The defense and immune system is strengthened and so a cold does not stand a great chance.